038 ENG The Perfect Present
I've just received this package in the mail. It's for my birthday. It's from my best friend who lives in Bologna. It doesn't weigh much at all.
038 ITA The Perfect Present
Ho appena ricevuto questo pacco per posta. E' per il mio compleanno. E' del mio migliore amico, che vive a Bologna.
037 ENG At the Bus Stop
This video is dedicated to Ika and her students in Indonesia. Hello, my name's Doug. What's your name? Hi Doug
037 ITA At the Bus Stop
Questo video è dedicato ad Ika e ai suoi alunni in Indonesia. Ciao, mi chiamo Doug. Come ti chiami? Ciao Doug
036 ENG Trying New Things
Sunday mornings at my home were a little bit special for me as a child. I would always wake up to such delights as jelly doughnuts
036 ITA Trying New Things
Quando ero bambino, le domeniche mattina erano un po' speciali per me. Mi svegliavo e trovavo delle prelibatezze tipo ciambelle
035 ENG Speaking at a Congress
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to welcome you all to the 33rd International Aerospace Congress.
035 ITA Speaking at a Congress
Buon pomeriggio a tutti. Vorrei dare il benvenuto a tutti voi al trentatreesimo Congresso Internazionale Aerospaziale.
034 ENG Tutorial
Today I'd like to dedicate a little time to giving you some advice on how to best take advantage of our videos.
034 ITA Tutorial
Oggi vorrei dedicare un po' di tempo per darvi dei consigli su come sfruttare al meglio i nostri video.
033 ENG Pancake Recipe
People often ask me for my pancake recipe. Pancakes are also known as flapjacks, hotcakes, and griddle cakes.
033 ITA Ricetta per Pancake
Spesso la gente mi chiede informazioni sulla ricetta che uso per le frittelle americane, cioè i pancake.
032 ENG Tongue Twisters
Tongue twisters are a good and fun way to improve pronunciation. After you've practiced each one a few times, try
032 ITA Tongue Twisters
Gli scioglilingua sono un metodo utile e divertente per migliorare la pronuncia. Dopo averli provati tutti singolarmente, cerca
031 ENG Monsters under the Bed
My friend Frank has had a fear of monsters under his bed since he was a child. Now most children go through periods of
031 ITA Monsters under the Bed
Il mio amico Frank ha paura dei mostri sotto il letto da quando era bambino. La maggior parte dei bambini attraversa periodi
030 ENG Lie clocks
One day, while on his way home from a fishing trip, Mr. Brown fell asleep at the wheel of his car, crashed into a tree and died
030 ITA Lie clocks
Un giorno, lungo la strada per casa dopo un'escursione di pesca, il Signor Brown si addormenta al volante della sua macchina
029 ENG Vulgar Parrot
There was no doubt about it: Brenda's parrot Polly was Vulgar with a capital V. He had a mouth like a truck driver and was
029 ITA Vulgar Parrot
Non c'era alcun dubbio: Polly, il pappagallo di Brenda era volgarissimo. Aveva una bocca come un camionista e la metteva
028 ENG Selling a car
Louis, a very naive man, was having trouble selling his car. He placed an ad in the newspaper, but after 2 months no one
028 ITA Selling a car
Louis, un uomo molto ingenuo, non riusciva a vendere la sua macchina. Aveva messo un annuncio sul giornale, ma dopo 2
027 ENG Lost luggage
Carol and her father had finally arrived at the airport and headed straight for check-in with their luggage.
027 ITA Lost luggage
Carol e suo padre sono finalmente arrivati all'aeroporto e vanno direttamente al check-in con i loro bagagli.
026 ENG Thirteen!
According to her husband, Barbara was a real busybody. She just couldn't mind her own business. One of her New Year's
026 ITA Thirteen!
Secondo suo marito, Barbara era una vera e propria ficcanaso. Non era proprio capace di farsi gli affari suoi. Uno dei suoi
025 ENG Hair Loss
Like it or not, many men lose their hair as they get older. My hair started to thin when I was 18 years old. I used to have long
025 ITA Hair Loss
Volenti o nolenti, tanti uomini perdono i capelli con l'avanzare dell'età. I miei capelli hanno cominciato a diradare quando avevo
024 ENG Falling in Love
When I met my friend Dave for lunch yesterday, I saw a gleam in his eyes and knew instantly that something was up. "I'm in love!"
024 ITA Falling in Love
Quando ieri ho incontrato il mio amico Dave per pranzo, ho visto che i suoi occhi brillavano e avevo capito subito che c'era
023 ENG Chicken farts
One of the main goals of these videos is to help you to develop the courage to put yourself out on a limb and take the risk of speaking English
023 ITA Chicken farts
Uno degli obiettivi di questi video è di aiutarti a sviluppare il coraggio di correre il rischio di parlare inglese in pubblico.
022 ENG Getting pulled over
Peter and Sarah were on their way home from a pub. Suddenly, Peter saw flashing lights in his rearview mirror.
022 ITA Getting pulled over
Peter e Sarah stavano tornando a casa da un pub. All'improvviso, Peter notò delle luci che lampeggiavano nello specchio retrovisore.
021 ENG The Heavens
Isn't the nighttime sky incredible? Just look at all of those stars. Sometimes you can see falling stars and comets.
021 ITA The Heavens
Non è incredibile il cielo notturno? Ma guarda tutte quelle stelle. A volte si possono vedere stelle cadenti e comete.
020 The Generous Old Woman
One day, a group of senior citizens was on an outing to the sea. Half an hour into their journey, one of the women on board made her way up
019 Good Eyesight
Martin and Beth have been married for 30 years. One night, while getting ready for bed, Beth looks at herself in the mirror she says to her husband
018 NYC Hotel Room
Over a period of two years, Peter had finally saved up enough money to take a trip to New York. He found a package fare online that included
017 A Scary Story
Hi everyone, this is Michael and welcome to EngPods. Once upon a time there was a dark dark forest. And in this dark dark forest, there was a
016 A Snowy Day
November was mild, and so was the beginning of December. It seemed too good to be true. But then the cold weather finally hit.
015 Jingle Bells with Michael
Dashing through the snow In a one horse open sleigh O'er the fields we go Laughing all the way Bells on bob tails ring Making spirits bright
014 Being Bored
Poor little Bobby, he's so bored. He doesn't know what to do so he goes to complain to his mother. "Mom" he whines, "I'm so bored, there's nothing
013 A Real Tightwad
Some people are known for their generosity, while others are known for being "economical". My co-worker Henry falls into the latter category.
012 In a Bookshop
Mary and Lilly were out for an afternoon stroll in the park. Suddenly, it started to rain. And in a few minutes it was coming down in buckets,
011 Ants in Your Pants
Little Johnny came running into his father's study. He was all out of breath, but it was obvious that he had something urgent on his mind.
010 In a Fancy French Restaurant
There was this man who, after months of trying, finally got a date with a beautiful woman who he met at a party. He thought that she was absolutely
009 Sticking to a diet
When I arrived in this country, I was much lighter. But for a host of reasons, I've gained a lot of weight. Little by little I've packed on the pounds.
008 Getting Caught in the Rain
I knew it was going to be "one of those days" when my alarm clock didn't go off. I was going to be late for school. There was no time for breakfast
007 Being Clumsy
I went to visit my friend at his antiques shop the other day. It's filled with all kinds of delicate and expensive knick-knacks. While we were chatting
006 The Plumber and the Parrot
There was an old woman who had a parrot. This bird only knew how to say one thing which was "who is it?" One day, the woman went out
005 Having the Flu
Woe is me! I'm down with the flu. I had to take a sick day from work. I have a splitting headache. A stuffy nose. A sore throat. Aches and pains.
004 Throwing a Surprise Party
I'm planning a surprise party for my sister. She's turning 50 on the 9th. I've sent out 35 invitations to friends and family. I hope nobody spills the beans
003 A very Busy Life
How many of you out there lead busy and chaotic lives? Children to feed. Work deadlines. Grocery shopping. You need to take the car to the
002 Driving with Dad
When I was a child, my father was rather strict and he was not known for his playful nature. Whenever he would get into our car to go someplace
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